Hon-Ming Eng, M.D.
Gastroenterologist located in New York, NY
Meet Dr. Hon-Ming Eng, MD
Dr. Hon-Ming Eng, MD is a board certified gastroenterologist practicing at Greater New York Gastroenterology, located in the Flatiron district of New York City. Since the practice opened in 2004, Dr. Eng and his colleagues have provided a variety of services including treatments for acid reflux, hepatitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Crohn’s Disease. Screening procedures like colonoscopies and endoscopies to accurately diagnose conditions like colon cancer are also available.
Dr. Eng completed his medical degree at the State University of New York – Down State Medical Center and served his internship and residency at Boston City Hospital and Mt. Sinai Medical Center. Dr. Eng also participated in a three-year fellowship in Gastroenterology at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.
Patients benefit from Dr. Eng’s years of experience and dedication to providing the highest quality care to his patients. He and his colleagues specialize in diagnosing and treatments of conditions of the digestive tract. They specialize in colon cancer screening and acid reflux disorders as well as a variety of other stomach and liver diseases. They help patients to improve and maintain good digestive health. Dr. Eng aims to treat every patient with the greatest respect and endeavors to ensure they receive the highest possible quality care.
Dr. Eng and Greater New York Gastroenterology are currently welcoming new patients and accept most major forms of insurance and Medicare.
Insurance Information
Here is a shortlist of the insurance providers we accept. For more information, please call our office. Also please call if your plan is through the Health Insurance Exchange so we can verify.